Saturday, December 20, 2014

Gingerbread Galore, Artistic Creativity, Strawberry the Elf, Happy Holidays, PJ Day, and a Field Trip!

The Past Two Weeks of Preschool:
December 8-11
  • At Large Group: 
    • We had an alphabet snowball fight. When the music stopped, we uncrumpled our snowball and read our letter. 
    • We went on a Gingerbread scavenger hunt. 
    • We played pass the ice cube. We encouraged the kiddos to tell us what they saw happening to the ice as we passed it. 
    • We learned our weekly rhyme: Five Yummy Gingerbread: 
      • Five yummy gingerbread sitting on a plate.
        The first one said, “Oh boy! We smell so great!”
        The second one said, “There’s a chill in the air.”
        The third one said, “I see hungry children everywhere."
        The fourth one said, “I think we better run!”
        The fifth one said, “Oh, here the children come.”
        Then the children each grabbed one
        And with a munch, crunch, munch
        The five yummy gingerbreads turned into lunch!
We use picture clues (rebus) to help them "read".
    • We read several different gingerbread stories. The kiddos enjoyed finding the differences and similarities. 
    • Our letters of the week were: Q, R, S, & T. We identified the letter, the sound it makes, and saw who has the letter in their name, and brainstormed other words that start with the letter. We also practiced writing the letter during recall time. 
  •  At Small Group: 
    • We made our December classroom book called: “All I Want for the Holidays is ______________.” 
    • We mixed up a batch of gingerbread play dough. The kiddos always enjoy helping us measure out all the ingredients. 
Ms. Katelynn
  • We measured things w/ gingerbread cutouts. 
    • We did marshmallow math with gingerbread cutouts. We counted how many marshmallows fit inside and around. 
    • We made our own gingerbread books about positional words. The kiddos illustrated them. 
  • At Choice Time: 
Give them marshmallows and toothpicks and they will come.

They still love to put the fire out in the water table.

Using rulers and calculators.

    • Discovery:  We put out scented gingerbread cutouts and the kiddos had to use their noses to find the matches. 
    • Dramatic Play:  Our kiddos are still enjoying our Vet/Pet Shop. 

    • Art Area: We made lots of puffy paint art, marshmallow art, & decorated gingerbread people.

  • What has our elf Strawberry been up to?

December 15-18

  • At Large Group:
    • The kiddos have been enjoying singing and dancing to holiday tunes and (of course) the songs from Frozen. 
    • We read several holiday stories this week. During Polar Express the kiddos that had seen the movie pointed out the things that were the same and/or different. We read about Pete the Cat taking over for Santa, the Grinch’s heart growing, and fed a Very Hungry Reindeer.

    • We finished our “Count Up to Winter Break”. Each day we opened an envelope and by the end of the month we created a beautiful winter scene.
    • Our letters of the week were: U, V, W, X, Y, & Z. We identified the letter, the sound it makes, and saw who has the letter in their name, and brainstorm other words that start with the letter. We also practiced writing the letter during either planning or recall time.
  • At Small Group: 
    • The kiddos worked hard to create paintings for their family presents. Miss Katelynn’s group made cards as well. 
    • Miss Kendra’s group illustrated a book called “Snowman, Snowman, What Do You See?”
  •  We all measured out a mixture of oatmeal and glitter to make reindeer food to put out on Christmas Eve. 
  • At Choice Time: 

    • We had a lot of fun on PJ Day. We made French toast for breakfast and got a goodbye present of snowman and reindeer poop from Strawberry the Elf (marshmallows and raisins).
During choice time we put on the movie Frozen.
They got very creative in the art area this week.
Painting Sun Catchers
  • Our field trip to the Flint Children’s Museum was a big hit with the kiddos. We took a lot of pictures of the kiddos having fun and exploring. 





The kiddos spotted an elf at the museum, too!

  • Over winter break we ask that you help us keep our school routine by: 
    • Having your child practice writing their name each day. 
    • Read to your child and encourage them to read to you using picture cues. 
    • Point out environmental print (signs, symbols, and words they see every day) and have them “read” it to you. 
    • Count with them. 
    • Encourage them to identify letters they see (on clothing, driving around, etc.).
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
- Miss Kendra & Ms. Katelynn