Friday, March 21, 2014

St. Patrick's Day, Spring, Choice Time, Quiet Time, Coloring the Snow, and the Letter T!

· This week we studied St. Patrick’s Day and Ireland.
 · At Large Group:
· We read the story There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover and took turns feeding pieces from the story to “Granny”.

· We worked on rhyming skills through singing and movement games like “Down by the Bay” and “Boa Constrictor”.

· At Small Group:
· We sorted and classified our toy animals into
several groups (color, size, and where the
animals live).
· We talked about what happens during spring and then drew pictures of what spring looks like. 

· We covered our tables in wax paper and used colored water, droppers, and straws to create the colors of the rainbow.

· We used Lucky Charms cereal to sort, graph, quantify, and pattern.

· At Choice Time:
· We are still enjoying our pet store/vet dramatic play area. The kiddos have tiny scrubs to wear, vet exam tools, animal
x-rays to examine, pet food and medicine, a wash tub, books about pets and vets, and of course plenty of stuffed
animals to play with. 

The kiddos like to pretend to be the animals that need to be taken care of by the vet.
 · We created all kinds of artwork this week about things we see in spring. We added all our art to our “What Does Spring Look Like?” bulletin board. Now the kiddos can’t wait for spring!

  •   We added colored buttons and various sized golden coins to our sensory table. The kiddos sorted everything into groups. 

  •   Some of the other areas we played in this week:

We broke out our giant piano this week and the kiddos loved playing it with their feet!
  •   On Wednesday our kiddos were so into their cot toy play at quiet time that they asked if we could stay in the quiet room to play instead of doing choice time in our room. Here's what we did:
The whole class worked on this together. It was one of those spontaneous moments that remind you why you became a teacher.
They were very proud of their chain. It reached all the way across the room!
They were determined to use all the pegs and get all the way to the ceiling. Once they were done they counted how many they used.
· We took squeeze bottles of colored water outside and colored the snow. 

· Our letter of the week this week was T. Some of our activities include:

· Practicing saying the sound the letter makes.

· Seeing who has the letter in their name.
· Using white boards to practice writing the letter at large group.
· Searching the room for things that start with the letter of the week and feeding them to the “letter monster”.
· Making our alphabet book page for each letter at small group.
· Identifying the letter in the dry erase board sentence.


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